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Strategies for Market Research

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Strategies for Market Research

Marketing is a business discipline undertaken for one sole purpose, to enable sale of their product and service to consumers. The consumer behaviour is the study of how consumers interact with their surrounding environment when purchasing or disposing off the product. It forms the basis of marketing psychology i.e. why a person chooses one alternative over the other. The increasing competition and cultural shifts in societies across the globe have made marketing a challenging task. Therefore, marketers must strive to understand consumer’s behaviour and the drivers behind such behaviour in order to serve them well. Focus should be on varied factors like consumer attitude, buying habits, the colours they like, the tastes they prefer and so on. This study of consumer behaviour is critical to the success of businesses today and is the basic purpose of the practice of market research.
As per advertising guru David Ogilvy negligence of research in business is like ignoring decodes of enemy signals in a war.